2018 Contenders
Description: This video is a videodance project, made for the Raise Your Voice festival in Greece, regarding Human Trafficking.
The woman in the video starts by wearing a work uniform, thus entering a «role» from which she expects to take advantage and free herself of poverty and other unpleasant difficulties. As time goes by, she realises that this uniform becomes a second skin and every desperate attempt to pull it away from her body is falling to failure. She is stuck in a place alone, frightened and being exploited by other human beings. The only way out is to escape and run away to the city…
Human trafficking is about humans exploiting humans… How is this even possible?
Goner. Nobody searches for he who is gone, who has no luck, no future.

The man in his endeavour to survive can suffer everything and to face this stressful state survives through the “defensive mechanism”…
world where the witch can not do anything and regrets …“

Description: The Fashion Industry is one of the biggest supporters of modern slavery across the globe, responsible for the enslavement of millions of people. Miserable working and living conditions, meager or almost nonexistent salaries, small children victims of the trafficking of cheap labor, impoverishment of humanity, all at the altar of profit.
The West is turning a blind eye and draining and reaping whole countries. “Fields” of humans with a bloody harvest of pain and saffering. Scarecrows frightening and detestable protecting a “dirty” glamour.
I chose to “project” through a creation of mine, with the title “IN BETWEEN. TIME&SPACE”, from my collection “URBAN NARRATIONS” this social problem . For this reason this creation is presented dressing a scarecrow. Behind every clothe is a human being, from the conception of an idea to the actual making of the piece. Fashion can carry messages . Behind the gramour and spotlights of Fashion you can disover a sustainable label or a shadowy industry of exploitation of human beings.

Description: This piece presents allegorically the phenomenon of child trafficking, the purpose of which is the coercive work or other unfair purposes.
Many girls, at a small age, want to become a princess or to play with their dolls, but some of them do not have the right to own toys ,but also they do not have the right of childhood. “Petit Cinderella” or “the factory’s little princess” is every little girl who is forced to work hard and forget that she is just a child. She is the princess , who doesn’t wear beautiful dresses, but rags.You can find her in the streets, tired and dirty, holding a broken toy. Although, this installation shows, what can be hidden inside the princess’ soul. The paper dress depicts the dreams and the memories of her which she “takes off” like a dress, in order to work in the inhospitable space, called factory.
“Petit Cinderella” can be any child , of any sex , in any country.

Description: A sculpture dress made entirely of boning. A modern corset – prison cell that traps the human body not for beautification but for sexual intercourse. Main inspiration are the transcendental aesthetic values, the female world with the burden of sexuality, the sensuality, the erotic and human form in volume and silhouette. With black as dominant color, artistic movements, subcultures and bondage techniques are blend together, creating an imposing, strange figure, designed to challenge and awake the viewer on issues such as female exploitation and human trafficking.

Description: Behind closed doors of what consists of the great powers of a society, men of authority only seek profit. This way they expand the issue of modern day slavery while they could have been fighting it instead.
The drawing depicts one of those men of authority trying to lure in a young girl so he can abduct her. This act is happening right in front of the big powers of society: Church, Government, Police

Description: In a victims life, a dreamcatcher would eliminate all bad dreams and just keep the pleasant ones.